Friday, March 13, 2009

Learning new things!

Wow it has been quite a week~incredibly busy with family visiting, kids' activities, and everyday life. What has kept me grounded are my Rav friends, and my knitting. I'm trying to finish up at least 10 wips--maybe even more. I am a cast-on-aholic. I have so many things that I want to make that I start them all and then they sit. I finally finished my first BSJ, started months ago. Here's a pic of the final sweater:

I've also done a bunch of dishcloths to try to learn some new stitches and techniques. Stitch markers have kept me busy too. Fun, fun, fun. Now I have to get busy making stuff for the upcoming craft shows, because fall will be here before I know it. I got my first application in the mail this week!

1 comment:

puggerhugger said...

You are so inspiring! Love the bsj. I need to be like you and do crafty shows!