Sunday, October 11, 2009

Have to Let It Go

I have to let it go when people do and say things that I do not understand.

For example:

when friends don't call again after 40 years of friendship, for reasons unknown

when other friends call like crazy for months on end, wanting to know every detail of your life, and then they stop, for no apparent reason

when people make comments about my physical self that aren't very flattering. What makes them think that is ok???

when people are not happy for my accomplishments and the accomplishments of my children

when people keep asking for more when I have just given, and am giving all I can at the moment.

when small shop owners think it is ok to chastize me for what they think is my overspending. I know how much I can afford to spend. How would you know anyhow??

when people assume that because I am overweight that I overeat and am a lazy person. Get to know me and my medical problems before you judge me.

I cannot control the thoughts and actions of others.
I can only control my own.
I am working at not having my feelings hurt all the time by other people.
My reactions to them have got to change.
I have to let it all roll off my back and not. react. anymore.


puggerhugger said...

I dont know if I could use that as a coping mechanism, it would just make me feel more upset. I get that way when the world overwhelms me and I have to retreat or yell at somebody. Usually retreat awhile and replenish. Maybe same thing? Anyway I hope Im not one of the ones causing you hurt! Much love dear one

marysk said...

Oh my heavens, no, my dearest Pugger!! Only goodness flows from you!